« Coming together is a start, staying together is progress,
working together is success. »
Henry Ford
« Coming together is a start, staying together is progress,
working together is success. »
Henry Ford
We are solutions providers
Our firm aims to position itself as an ally of its clients’ business and as a provider of solutions. We adopt a pragmatic and agile approach to support you in your projects in the most concrete and clear way possible.
We are listening to you
We are convinced that to understand and meet your needs, you must know how to listen to them.
We are innovative
Our curiosity leads us to think and implement original and tailor-made legal solutions, perfectly adapted to your problems.
We are reactive
Because we know that time is often of the essence, we make every effort to answer you as soon as possible. In the event of an emergency, we will be able to mobilize to be both fast and efficient.
We are transparent on our fees
In order to allow you to anticipate the cost of each mission, we offer according to the nature and the stakes of our intervention: a fee package, a subscription contract or a pack of hours. If it is not possible for us to plan our fees in advance, we charge for the time spent. We then determine with you alert thresholds and provide a detail of the time spent.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
IT Security
A CSR policy in line with our values
Well-being at work
Respect for the environment
Our actions
Compliance with the CSR Charter published by the French Conseil National des Barreaux
Optimization of our consumption (policy of minimizing printing, double-sided printing, turning off lights and computers outside working hours, etc.)
Implementation of a waste sorting and recycling system
Promoting dematerialized exchanges both internally and externally
Our commitments
Equal treatment and opportunities
Fight against discrimination
Taking family life into account
Reduction of CO2 emissions (reduction of business travels, limited use of heating and air conditioning, etc.)